Types of Components

Components are user interface elements that can be used in different places, such as items, and layers.

■ label

Static uneditable text element.

label component


  • type: "label"
  • text: The text to display
  • style:
    • font: text font name
    • size: text size
    • color: text color in color code
    • padding: padding in pixels
    • background: background color of the label in color code
    • corner_radius: corner radius for the label


  "type": "label",
  "text": "Hello world",
  "style": {
    "font": "Avenir",
    "size": "30",
    "color": "rgb(200,0,0)",
    "padding": "10"

■ image

Image loaded from either remote url or data-url

⚠️ Disclaimer:

image components are NOT Interactive. To attach action or href to make an image interactive, use image buttons

image component


  • type: "image"
  • url: image url
  • header: (optional) in case the image needs authentication and we need to attach a header object to the request
  • style (optional)
    • corner_radius: corner radius. use this to make the image rounded
    • width
    • height
    • color: To set the tint color (only for icons)


  "type": "image",
  "url": "http://i.imgur.com/KUJPgGV.png",
  "header": {
    "auth_token": "3nfdss3fNdlenghs_dnekgldnvq334hd"
  "style": {
    "width": "50",
    "height": "50",
    "corner_radius": "25"

■ button

A basic component that responds to user tap.

Can be either a text button or an image button, depending on what attributes are used.

button component


  • type: "button"
  • text: button text (pick either text or url, can't have both)
  • url: button image url (pick either text or url, can't have both)
  • header: (optional) in case the we're using the image button and the image needs authentication and we need to attach a header object to the request
  • style
    • width: Width of the clickable region (In case of image buttons, the image will auto-resize proportionally to fit into this region)
    • height: Height of the clickable region (In case of image buttons, the image will auto-resize proportionally to fit into this region)
    • color: text color
    • background: background color
    • border_width: border width for the button
    • border_color: border color for the button
    • color: To set the tint color (only for icons)
    • corner_radius: corner radius for the button
    • padding: padding outside of the text (in case of text button) or outside of the image (in case of image button). Note that the height and width will stay the same regardless of what padding value you set.
    • align: Only for text buttons. You can set it as left, right, or center. The default is center. (Irrelevant on image buttons since image buttons will always be centered)
  • action : Attach an action attribute to be triggered when user taps the button.


Text button

Use text attribute to make it a label button

  "type": "button",
  "text": "Tap Me!",
  "style": {
    "width": "50",
    "height": "50",
    "background": "#00ff00",
    "color": "#ffffff",
    "font": "HelveticaNeue",
    "size": "12",
    "corner_radius": "25"
  "action": {
    "trigger": "reload"

Image button

Use url attribute to make it an image button

  "type": "button",
  "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jasonette/Jasonpedia/gh-pages/assets/krusty.png",
  "header": {
    "auth_token": "3nfdss3fNdlenghs_dnekgldnvq334hd"
  "style": {
    "width": "50",
    "height": "50",
    "background": "#00ff00",
    "color": "#ffffff",
    "font": "HelveticaNeue",
    "size": "12",
    "corner_radius": "25"
  "action": {
    "trigger": "reload"

■ textfield

Single line input field

textfield component

textfields are seamlessly integrated with local variables


  • name: name of the local variable to set.
  • value: in case you wish to prefill the field.
  • placeholder: Placeholder text for when there's no content filled in.
  • keyboard: The keyboard type. One of the following: "text" | "number" | "phone" | "decimal" | "url" | "email" (if unspecified, the default is "text")
  • focus: Set "true" to autofocus this component on view load.
  • style: style the textfield
    • background
    • align
    • autocorrect: set to "true" to enable autocorrect
    • autocapitalize: set to "true" to enable autocapitalize
    • spellcheck: set to "true" to enable spellcheck
    • size: text size
    • font: text font
    • color: text color
    • placeholder_color: placeholder text color
    • secure: hide character input if set to "true"


Example 1: password input

  "type": "textfield",
  "name": "password",
  "value": "dhenf93f!",
  "placeholder": "Enter password",
  "style": {
    "placeholder_color": "#cecece",
    "font": "HelveticaNeue",
    "align": "center",
    "width": "200",
    "height": "60",
    "secure": "true",
    "size": "12"

Example 2: autocorrect/autocaptiazlie/spellcheck input

  "type": "textfield",
  "name": "status",
  "placeholder": "Status update",
  "style": {
    "placeholder_color": "#cecece",
    "font": "HelveticaNeue",
    "align": "center",
    "width": "200",
    "height": "60",
    "autocorrect": "true",
    "autocapitalize": "true",
    "spellcheck": "true",
    "size": "12"

■ textarea

Multiline input field

textarea component

  • name: name of the local variable to set.
  • value: in case you wish to prefill the field.
  • placeholder: Placeholder text for when there's no content filled in.
  • keyboard: The keyboard type. One of the following: "text" | "number" | "phone" | "decimal" | "url" | "email" (if unspecified, the default is "text")
  • focus: Set "true" to autofocus this component on view load.
  • style: style the textfield
    • background
    • align: "left" | "center" | "right" (default is "left")
    • autocorrect: set to "true" to enable autocorrect
    • autocapitalize: set to "true" to enable autocapitalize
    • spellcheck: set to "true" to enable spellcheck
    • size: text size
    • font: text font
    • color: text color
    • placeholder_color: placeholder text color


Below, we've named the textarea status, and then refer to its value from submit action through the template expression {{$get.status}}

  "$jason": {
    "head": {
      "actions": {
        "submit": {
          "type": "$network.request",
          "options": {
            "url": "https://stts.jasonclient.org/status.json",
            "method": "post",
            "data": {
              "content": "{{$get.status}}"
          "success": {
            "type": "$reload"
    "body": {
        "type": "textarea",
        "name": "status",
        "placeholder": "Status update",
        "value": "Eating lunch..",
        "style": {
          "background": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
          "placeholder_color": "#cecece",
          "font": "HelveticaNeue",
          "align": "center",
          "width": "100%",
          "height": "300",
          "autocorrect": "true",
          "autocapitalize": "true",
          "spellcheck": "true",
          "size": "12"

■ slider

Horizontal slider input

slider component


  • name: name of the local variable to set.
  • value: value between 0 and 1 (in string) to preset the slider with. For example "0.3"
  • action: action to execute after user completes the sliding gesture.
  • style
    • width
    • height
    • color


Below, we set the slider's name gauge and triggers the notice action, which accesses its value whenever the user ends the sliding action.

  "$jason": {
    "head": {
      "notice": {
        "type": "$util.alert",
        "options": {
          "title": "Volume changed",
          "description": "{{parseFloat($get.gauge)*100}}%"
    "body": {
        "type": "slider",
        "name": "gauge",
        "action": {
          "trigger": "notice"

■ switch

Simple true/false input

switch component


  • name: name of the local variable to set.
  • value: boolean. true (switch to the right). false (switch to the left).
  • action: action to execute after user completes the sliding gesture.
  • style
    • color: "active (right) state color" (default os active state color if not specified).
    • color:disabled: "inactive (left) state color" (default os inactive state color if not specified).


Below, we set the switch's name light and triggers the banner action, which accesses its value whenever the user changes the switch position.

  "$jason": {
    "head": {
      "banner": {
        "type": "$util.banner",
          "options": {
            "title": "{{$get[$jason.item].toString()}}",
            "description": "{{$jason.item}}"
          "success": {
            "type": "$render"
    "body": {
        "type": "switch",
        "name": "light",
        "value": "true",
        "action": {
          "trigger": "banner",
          "options": {
            "item": "Light is On?"

■ html

A self-contained web environment that you can plug in, style, and manipulate just like the rest of the components.

To learn more, refer to Web containers.

■ space

An empty space component mostly used for layout purposes.

space component


  • style
    • background: background color (transparent if not specified)
    • width: only specify if you want a horizontally fixed size space
    • height: only specify if you want a vertically fixed size space

Example 1. Flexible size space

If you don't specify the style, the space component will contract or expand flexibly depending on its surrounding sibling components.

This is useful for when you wish to make special alignments, such as aligning one component to the left, and the other to the right in a horizontal layout.

  "type": "horizontal",
  "components": [
      "type": "image",
      "url": "https://jasonclient.org/img/john.png",
      "style": {
        "width": "50"
      "type": "space"
      "type": "button",
      "text": "Follow"
      "style": {
        "width": "100",
        "height": "50"

Example 2. Fixed size space

You can also set the size of a space component.

  "type": "vertical",
  "components": [
      "type": "image",
      "url": "https://jasonclient.org/img/john.png",
      "style": {
        "width": "50"
      "type": "space",
      "style": {
        "height": "50"
      "type": "label",
      "text": "The names 'John Doe' or 'John Roe' for men, 'Jane Doe' or 'Jane Roe' for women, or 'Johnnie Doe' and 'Janie Doe' for children, or just 'Doe' non-gender-specifically are used as placeholder names for a party whose true identity is unknown or must be withheld in a legal action, case, or discussion."

■ map

Map component

map component


type: "map"

region: Describes the region this map component will draw.

  • coord: Coordinate string in LATITUDE,LONGITUDE format, around which the map should be centered. (example: "40.7146598,-73.9418602")
  • width: The width in meters in terms of how wide the map region should be
  • height: The height in meters in terms of how wide the map region should be

pins: Array of pin objects. Each pin contains the following attributes:

  • coord: Coordinate string in LATITUDE,LONGITUDE format. (example: "40.7146598,-73.9418602")
  • title
  • description
  • style
    • selected: display the annotation by default even when not tapped.

style: Styling of the component itself

  • type: "satellite" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_flyover" | "satellite_flyover"
  • width: width of the component to display
  • height: height of the component to display
  • corner_radius: corner radius of the component


  "type": "map",
  "region": {
    "coord": "40.7197614,-73.9909211",
    "width": "100",
    "height": "100"
  "pins": [{
    "title": "This is a pin",
    "description": "It really is.",
    "coord": "40.7197614,-73.9909211",
    "style": {
      "selected": "true"
  "style": {
    "width": "100%",
    "height": "300"

Permissions and API Keys

On iOS the map component works right out of the box using Apple's native map.

However on Android you need to set it up using Google Maps API.

  1. Just open up AndroidManifest.xml file from Android Studio.
  2. Uncomment the lines described below:
  3. And add your Google Maps API Key (You can get it from here)